Join us in Fordyce, AR!
4th Saturday in April!
Join us in Fordyce, AR!
Join us in Fordyce, AR!
Join us in Fordyce, AR!
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
The theme for our 43rd Annual Fordyce on the Cotton Belt Festival is "Celebrate Fordyce".
Fordyce was incorporated April 8, 1884 making this year Fordyce's 140th birthday! How much history has been made in our little town in those 140 years is unbelievable.
Happy Birthday, Fordyce! We are so proud to call you home.
Committee Members Richard Ledbetter and Candace McCollum with the 2024 t-shirts!
This years shirt is available in blue, green and yellow.
Youth sizes are $10.
Adult sizes are $15.
2X & 3X are $18.
We also have hoodies for $25.
Shirts will go on sale next Monday, April 22, at the Dallas Co. Museum Annex located at 200 N. Main St in Fordyce. We have other Cotton Belt items as well!
T-Shirt sales are
Every year there is a new Cotton Belt shirt! We are still looking for more designs! Contact us if you have any!
That's right, our festival is free! See our line up for the year!
Shop with us! Our festival is funded largely by our Headquarters' sales!